Compilation Limitations
These limitations apply to zksolc
compilation of source contracts.
Contract Bytecode Access
Contract bytecode cannot be accessed on zkEVM architecture, therefore EXTCODECOPY always produces a compile-time error with zksolc. As such using address(..).code
in a solidity contract will produce a compile-time error.
contract FooBar {
function number() return (uint8) {
return 10;
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
FooBar target = new FooBar();
address(target).code; // will fail at compile-time
Contract Size Limit
currently limits the number of instructions to 2^16 that are compiled for a contract. As such for large contracts, the compilation will fail with the error:
Error: assembly-to-bytecode conversion: assembly parse error Label DEFAULT_UNWIND was tried to be used
for either PC or constant at offset 65947 that is more than 65535 addressable space
As an attempt the same contract can be compiled with --zk-force-evmla=true
, but if it doesn’t help then the contract must be split into smaller units.